
Bootmachine runs locally on OSX or GNU/Linux.

First clone the bootmachine to an easily accessible folder on your local machine. The recommended place is /srv/ but any folder in your home directory would work just the same.

If you are unfamiliar with Python’s pip or virtualenv packages, understand them, at least a little, before proceeding:


If you don’t already have a virtualenv that you would like to use, first create a new virtualenv for the bootmachine:

$ cd ~/.virtualenvs/
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute bootmachine
$ source bootmachine/bin/activate

Install the bootmachine:

$ pip install bootmachine

From within the directory you want the configuration files to be copied to, execute the following command:

$ bootmachine-admin start

Now, customize the example settings file and for your stack. A suggestion is to instead store these private files a private git repository.

Some info on choosing the type of encryption for your ssh key:


Elliptic curve cryptography is excluded from Fedora presumably due to patent concerns. Check Fedora 18 once released.

To use Rackspace’s openstack api v2 you must also set some environment variables for your interactive shell. The recommended installation is to add the following to your ~/.bashrc:

export OS_USERNAME=""  # your rackspace username
export OS_PASSWORD=""  # your rackspace password
export OS_TENANT_NAME=""  # your rackspace accountid
export OS_AUTH_URL=""

For Rackspace api v1 (deprecated):

export OPENSTACK_COMPUTE_USERNAME=""  # your rackspace username
export OPENSTACK_COMPUTE_APIKEY=""  # your rackspace apikey

The same is true for the Amazon boto api:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=""  # your amazon access key id
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=""  # your amazon secret access key